Lee Jung Eun Comments “Miss Night and Day” Highlights the Irony of Life

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Lee Jung Eun transforms into Lim Soon, the elder persona of 20-something job seeker Lee Mi Jin (Jung Eun Ji).

Miss Night and Day follows the story of Lee Mi Jin, a young woman who mysteriously wakes up one day as an old lady. Mi Jin begins a new life as a senior intern at Seohan District Public Prosecutors’ Office under the name Lim Soon after overcoming the shock of her sudden transformation. 

Veteran actress Lee Jung Eun (Daily Dose of Sunshine, Juvenile Justice, Law School, Mr. Sunshine) revealed the reason for choosing the K-drama, stating, “Mi Jin, a job seeker who has been taking the civil service exam for 8 years, kept lingering in my mind while reading the script for Miss Night and Day,” and added, “I chose the drama because I wanted to give Mi Jin a small gift.” 

Despite appearing to have experienced all of life’s trials as an old woman in her 50s, Lim Soon is a vibrant young lady born in 1996 and has a modern mindset. Actress Lee Jung Eun emphasized she made efforts to bridge the 30-year age gap and aimed to portray Mi Jin’s new challenge that begins after a life-changing opportunity knocks on her door.

The stills give a peek into the daily life of the mysterious lady Lim Soon. 

One of the pictures shows her smiling brightly while wearing the civil servant ID she had longed for for years. Not seeing her sudden transformation as a curse, she turns it into an opportunity and becomes a dynamic senior intern. 



Thus, Miss Night and Day will offer healing through the story of a young job seeker, Lee Mi Jin, and her elder persona, Lim Soon, who tries to hold on to the golden opportunity. Lee Jung Eun commented, “It is a drama that highlights the irony of life that you don’t achieve what you want when you are young, because the world is not easy [on you], and by the time you achieve what you want, you have already grown old.” 

