Interview tells the story of Seon Ju (played by Cho Yeo Jung), a veteran journalist desperate for an exclusive scoop, who encounters Young Hoon (played by Jung Sung Il), a serial killer who has murdered an unprecedented eleven people, as he proposes a special interview.
The casting of Cho Yeo Jung and Jung Sung Il has been confirmed for Interview, and the pre-production was completed on the 12th. Filming is scheduled to commence on the 17th.
Cho Yeo Jung stated, “The film Interview has an appealing screenplay with a dense story set within the interviews between the journalist and the serial killer. I will do my best to convey the tension and cinematic enjoyment I felt while reading the screenplay through the film.”
Jung Sung Il expressed his thoughts on joining the film, saying, “After reading the final scene of the screenplay, I decided to take on this project in less than a second. I am putting all my efforts into the preparation to ensure nobody will be disappointed. Please look forward to it and show your interest and support.”
Interview aims for a release next year and will showcase the intense acting showdown between Cho Yeo Jung and Jung Sung Il and a perfect combination of a new thriller genre. Filming will begin on the 17th.