Park Seo Joon & Park Bo Young Set Internet Ablaze With Their Pics as “Concrete Utopia” Couple

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The chemistry between Park Seo Joon and Park Bo Young, the couple in the movie Concrete Utopia, has brought joy to the audience.

The Instagram account showcasing the blissful daily life of the movie couple Min Sung (Park Seo Joon) and Myung Hwa (Park Bo Young) from Concrete Utopia is gaining attention. Even prior to its release, Park Seo Joon and Park Bo Young, who had already piqued considerable interest, are now enchanting viewers with an ensemble performance that is nothing short of flawless. Min Sung’s Instagram account (@min_castle0809) deepens the audience’s emotional investment by revealing the sweet moments of the couple before the earthquake.

The photos capturing the sweet moments shared by Min Sung and Myung Hwa, spanning from their romantic dating days to their wedding moments and even offering a peek into the interior of their newlywed home, are tantalizing the audience with glimpses into the couple’s life that remain unseen in the film. Moreover, Park Seo Joon, who plays Min Sung, personally left witty comments such as “Let’s not meet. One of us might get into trouble” and “Who are you?”. 





Seeing this, comments from viewers keep pouring in, such as “Seeing their happy daily life brings tears to my eyes… Min Sung and Myung Hwa, forever!” “After seeing this account, I want to watch the movie again”, and “I want to see these two again”. 

Concrete Utopia weaves a gripping disaster drama set in post-apocalyptic Seoul, where survivors gather at the Hwang Goong Apartments, following a catastrophic earthquake. The movie was released on August 9th and has emerged as a box office hit in South Korea. 

Check out the movie couple’s Instagram account here.

